What people are saying about Dog Tale Media:
"Dee Cook, Marie Lamb and Michelle Senderhauf are three of the best minds working in alternate reality gaming today.
I've immensely enjoyed collaborating with them in the past, and I whole-heartedly recommend their new creative agency Dog Tale Media
for the design and development of compelling transmedia stories and community-driven ARGs." - Jane McGonigal
"Over a four month project, I enjoyed working with Dee Cook, Michelle Senderhauf, and Marie Lamb. They were professional in conduct, wonderfully
creative collaborators, and gave of themselves personally and emotionally to our work. This type of commitment to a project on multiple levels
of engagement is vital and rare. With their experience, I am sure great things are ahead for Dog Tale Media." - Rachel Hatch
"I've both partnered with and employed members of the Dog Tale team at various times over the last five years. What did I get? Terrific insights, creative concepts and first rate execution.
But most importantly (to me), they're fabulous collaborators. If you need ideas, they have them. If you have ideas, they work with you to make them better. From blue chip IP like the Random
House Inheritance Cycle (Eragon Series) and EA's Dead Space to indie passion projects I've seen Dog Tale get it done. Oh yeah and they're nice, too. We're at the cross-section of entertainment,
marketing and academia here, folks...don't underestimate the value of nice!" - Nick Braccia, Creative Director